Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hold No Grudges - Day 43 of Love One Another

I want to get even!!!!  It's not fair!!!!! I DEMAND revenge!!!!!  I'll give you something to cry about!!!  I hope you have a child just like you when you are a parent!!!!
Wow, that felt good!  Have you ever said something like that?  Have your kids?  
I know what you're thinking, "Do we have to go back to 1 Corinthians 13 again?"  Yep, we do (amazing how often 1 Corinthians 13 pops up in parenting issues).  In 1 Corinthians 13:5, Paul writes that love "keeps no records of wrongs." 
But then how can I get even?????  It's not fair!!!!!!
Still feels good!  I think I need to do a 180 and re-read Steve's message today.
Because here is the deal - We gladly accept that God keeps no record of our wrongs.  Thank God (literally) that He doesn't want to get even - at least not since the big flood and how did that work out for the wrong doers????   But just as gladly we accept God's grace, mercy and forgiveness, we hold on to those petty little grudges for when someone "done us wrong".  Not only do we hold on to those grudges - we feed them and nurture them and care for them so they can grow into enormous monsters of revenge and retribution.
There is a great line in the final song of Les Miserables when Jean Valjean is dying,  Fantine, who died earlier in the show, sings down from heaven, "To love another person is to see the face of God."  Amen.  When we love another person, we want to love like Christ loves us.  He loves us so much that even though he could've gotten even for all of our wrong doings (like crucifying Him), instead He chose to die for us that we may have eternal life.  You know - no record of wrongs. 
When you get into that "it's not fair" line of thinking, take the next step and think, "Is it fair that a miserable sinner like me can get to heaven?"   When you are wronged, show the face of God.  What an example you will set and by not feeding that little grudge, the monster will never grow.
We all mess up; we all do regrettable things - our Father in heaven does not seek revenge. He embraces us in his merciful, loving arms and tells us, "My son paid for your mess up - pass it on."
Love you,

LOVE ONE ANOTHER (Day 43) > > > Getting even

1 Thessalonians 5:15

See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.

The temptation to “get even” with people is one that most Christians struggle with, and it was certainly true in the early days of the Church. Striking back at one’s “enemies” is the basis of many televisions shows, movies, and video games and more often than not, society treats it like a virtue. They push you…you push back. They hit you…you hit back. They insult you…insult them back.

In our sin we think repaying evil with evil somehow evens things out or rights a wrong, but it doesn’t. In our anger we say, “I’ve got to get even,” but in His righteousness Jesus says, “Turn the other cheek.” The pursuit of peace (Romans 12:18) comes with a cost: life can’t be all about you. You have to get your focus off of what you want and put it on what God wants, which is always better.

So, the next time somebody mistreats you…just walk away. Overlook it. Let it go. Also, make sure you always try to “do good” to others, which in turn, will make it easier for them to “do good” to you. If we start to live that way at home, imagine how much nicer our days will be!

APPLICATION: Talk about the ways you try to “get even” with each other and why you feel tempted to do it. Then, come up with some better ways to respond when you feel like you have been mistreated. Pray and ask God to help all of you resist the temptation to repay evil with evil.

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